For her great shock, he informs her that she isn't the captain of the ship anymore indeed, Hamish downgraded her to work as a simple secretary in the company. When she finally tries to discuss her new ideas for trading in the Orient, she discovers that Hamish has very different plans for her and the Wonder. Alice, however, is unaffected by their criticisms, and eventually re encounters Hamish, who is now married to a woman called Alexandra. Alice causes an immediate bad impression for wearing a colorful costume which she brought from China the partygoers, all Victorian people, and thus very ethnocentric, are shocked and offended by how Alice is dressed, with one even accusing her costume of belonging in a circus. That night, Alice and Helen attend Hamish's party. During a conversation in their house, in which Alice tells her mother about her adventures in the Orient, Helen informs her daughter that Hamish is giving a party in his property that night Alice immediately volunteers to go, despite not being invited, due to the need of discussing the plans for the future travels of the Wonder to the Orient.Īlice shocks the partygoers with her colorful Chinese costume. He informs her that, during her trip, Lord Ascot died, thus passing the ownership of the company to his son, Hamish, who is now Alice's new boss. Alice disembarks to reencounter her mother, Helen, waiting for her, and ends up meeting James Harcourt, a man who works in the trading company which owns her ship. One year later, the Wonder arrives in London. Although extremely dangerous, the plan eventually works, making the Malay pirates' ships to sink and the Wonder to safely sail out of there in direction of England. Alice, however, shuts off this possibility and fastly mentally draws a plan to take them from there without being caught by the pirates nor sinking the Wonder. The extreme circumstances that surround the Strait of Malacca, with its dangerous rock formations, and the high number of pirate ships surrounding the Wonder, mades the crew say to Alice that there is no hope and that they should surrender. As Alice and her crew are leaving the Strait of Malacca, their ship is attacked by Malay pirates.

She is now the captain of Wonder, the ship which once belonged to her father. Alice Kingsleigh is in the second year of her travel through the Orient.

Captain Alice uses her great imagination to draw an impressive plan to escape the pirates.